Category Archives: CrossFit News
CrossFit 6221 #areyouCrossFit Burpees Challenge for Rachel House
Written on September 29, 2015 at 11:19, by karina
On Saturday, 26th September 2015, members of CrossFit 6221 community along wit family and friends came together to do one minute of burpees to raise funds for Rachel House Rachel House is a non-profit organisation which provides palliative care for children living under the poverty line in Indonesia. We are very grateful to all […]
CrossFit 6221 goes to the Indonesia Fitness Games
Written on September 7, 2015 at 15:51, by karina
Five weeks ago the CrossFit affiliates in Indonesia was approached by GoIfex to hold a CrossFit competition. Lead by Brian Pandji, from CrossFit Equator, the affiliates, across Jakarta held a meeting, and the Indonesia Fitness Games was […]