Category Archives: CrossFit News

CrossFit 6221 #areyouCrossFit Burpees Challenge for Rachel House

Written on September 29, 2015 at 11:19, by

On Saturday, 26th September 2015, members of CrossFit 6221 community along wit family and friends came together to do one minute of burpees to raise funds for Rachel House Rachel House is a non-profit organisation which provides palliative care for children living under the poverty line in Indonesia. We are very grateful to all […]

CrossFit 6221 goes to the Indonesia Fitness Games

Written on September 7, 2015 at 15:51, by

                                    Five weeks ago the CrossFit affiliates in Indonesia was approached by GoIfex to hold a CrossFit competition. Lead by Brian Pandji, from CrossFit Equator, the affiliates, across Jakarta held a meeting, and the Indonesia Fitness Games was […]