AMRAP 12 min total (as many reps as possible)
Running clock
Start 0-3 minutes
10m Partner Jump Over to working station
In remaining time
AMRAP partner Deadlift (70kg)
At the end of minute 3, run back to team members, tag next 2 team members
3-6 minutes
10m Partner Wheelbarrow
In remaining time
AMRAP Box Jumps (20 inch)
At the end of minute 6, run back to team members, tag next 2 team members
6-9 minutes
10m Partner Jump Over to working station
In remaining time
Max Calorie row
At the end of minute 9, run back to team members, tag next 2 team members
9-12 minutes
10m Partner Wheelbarrow
In remaining time
AMRAP Medicine Ball Sit Ups
– From your team of 10, nominate five (5) athletes per team.
– Minimum two (2) females on each team.
– The event will start with five (5) athletes standing in a line.
– On the word GO! the first pair will perform the first set of movements. Movement to station and the AMRAP movement. They will stop once time is called, signalling the end of three (3) minutes.
– The pair will run back to the rest of the team to tag the next pair of athletes.
– The next pair of athletes can only begin the next set of movements once they are tagged.
– This event will have a running clock, meaning there will be no time stopped for “transition” and tagging of team members. The aim is to tag your team members as fast as possible to minimise the time lapsed for the next 3 minutes of work.
– Tagging in of other athletes allocated to this event is allowed only at the START of each set.
– The score is total reps and calories completed.
Movement Standards
Partner Jump Over
One partner will jump over the other, in any manner. Upon landing, the jumping partner must not shuffle forward. Then, the partner who was jumped over now has to jump over the first jumping partner. Continue until both partners are over the line at the working station.
One person with only hands (walking with hands) on the ground, legs are supported by partner. In unison the pair moves forward until both partners are over the line at the working station.
Rep count
– Both partners must have hands on the barbell for each rep to count.
– Starting at the bottom position, both partners are required to lift the weight off the ground.
– Finishing position: both partners must have hands on the bar, standing upright, hips and knees fully locked out.
Box Jumps
Rep count
– Only jumping is permitted – no step ups.
– Only one partner working at a time.
– Starting at bottom position, both feet on the floor in front of the box.
– Jump up onto the box with two feet taking off simultaneously.
– Finishing position: both feet on top of the box, standing upright, hips and knees fully extended.
Rep count by calories shown on rower.
– Only one partner working at a time.
Medicine Ball Sit Ups
Rep count
– Pairs must sit facing each other, feet touching
– One rep is given to each synchronised sit up performed. IE both athletes must perform a sit up in sync regardless who has the medicine ball.
– Starting position, sitting up with ball
– Synchronising Bottom position, athlete with medicine ball must touch the ball onto the ground behind the athlete’s head. Athlete without the ball must have hands touching the ground on the floor behind the athlete’s head.
– The partners must alternate doing sit ups with the medicine ball. The medicine ball must be past to the partner without the ball at the starting position.